How to calculate Length and Girth of your parcel
Parcels sent on our services must be within the maximum length and 'length and girth combined' measurements. To calculate the 'length and girth combined' measurement, simply add the girth and length together. Read more about our maximum size and weights for parcel services
What are parcel dimensions?
All parcels have three dimensions – length, width and height. The length of a parcel is always its longest side.

What is the girth of a parcel?
The girth of a parcel is the four shortest sides added together, as shown in the diagram below.

Calculating the girth of irregularly shaped parcels
If you're sending bulky or unusually shaped parcels, bear in mind these are measured by the smallest cubic box shape they could fit into, so measure the width and height of the parcels between the widest points. The length is always the longest measurement, regardless of the orientation of the parcel.