Help and advice

Account prohibitions and restrictions

Important: from the 7th May 2024, sending prohibited bladed items with Parcelforce will not be allowed, meaning these items cannot be sent even if our Age Verification service is used. Restricted bladed items can continue to be sent on our Age Verification service.

For further information on which bladed items are on the prohibited list, and which bladed items are on the restricted list and a more detailed list of prohibited weapons, please visit our prohibitions and restrictions PDF below.


In common with other major delivery companies, there are certain goods and substances that we cannot accept and must not be sent by customers. This is to comply with national and international regulations governing the carriage of mail, to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, customers and the general public. You are responsible for checking whether or not an item is prohibited or restricted.

A downloadable PDF version of all account prohibitions and restrictions that are detailed below can be found here.

Sending items from England, Scotland and Wales to Northern Ireland

Under Government guidance, customers are not required to make any changes to the way they send mail via Parcelforce Worldwide from Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) to Northern Ireland from 1 January 2021. There are two exceptions to this that will impact some business customers only. According to the Government guidance:   

  • If you are a Northern Ireland based business receiving goods valued at £135 or more you will need to make a declaration. Businesses will be able to use the Government’s free Trader Support Service to do so. 
  • There are new requirements on businesses sending the prohibited and restricted goods listed in the guidance.

Until any further changes are announced, Parcelforce Worldwide will continue to collect and deliver items from Great Britain to Northern Ireland as usual.

What are the prohibitions?

Unless specifically permitted, we cannot carry dangerous goods. ‘Dangerous goods’ are articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment. Existing regulations prohibit sending the majority of dangerous goods in the mail. We also prohibit other items for legal reasons, or where in our opinion they may be harmful or dangerous to our customers or employees.

Section 14 of the EU format SDS indicates that a product is classified as dangerous goods by the presence of a four digit ‘UN’ number.

Products bearing the following consumer warning markings are also classified as dangerous goods.

What are the prohibitions?

We can carry limited quantities of certain dangerous goods, but please always speak to your account manager first. European regulations require a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to be provided for many products, either before or at the time of first delivery. Your account manager can explain this, and other labelling and documentation requirements.


What are the restrictions?

There are some items that can be carried only when specific requirements are met.

If you are posting to international destinations there may be other specific items not listed here which certain destinations will not accept, and some items are prohibited from being sent on particular services. Particular destination exclusions and restrictions are shown in the relevant country information pages at

Please remember that this section provides a guide and should be read in conjunction with the Parcelforce Worldwide Conditions of Carriage.

Items excluded from compensation

You can view a full list of items excluded from compensation here.

Restrictions and Prohibitions


We can carry the following items for you, but conditions are applied, either by us or the destination authorities. This list is not definitive and may be changed from time to time. Please refer to for the most up to date information.


Aerosol Type UK Destinations International Destinations
Aerosol Type
*Aerosols for personal grooming or medicinal purposes (including deodorants, body sprays, hair
sprays, shaving and removal creams)
UK DestinationsYes International DestinationsNo
Aerosol Type
Aerosols for other purposes (including spray paints,
lacquers, polishes, solvents, air-fresheners, oven
cleaners etc )
UK DestinationsNo International DestinationsNo

*Volume per item must not exceed 500ml. No more than two aerosols can be sent in any one package. Valves must be protected by a cap or other suitable means to prevent inadvertent release of the contents during transport. Aerosols must be tightly packed in strong outer packaging and must be secured or cushioned to prevent any damage. Any package containing aerosol(s) must display the “ID8000” label. See Annex A.The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic Beverage Type UK Destinations International Destinations
Alcoholic Beverage Type
Alcoholic beverages and liquids (less than 24 % ABV), e.g. beer; ale; cider; fortified wine; champagne
UK DestinationsYes International Destinations


Alcoholic Beverage Type
Alcoholic beverages and liquids (more than 24 % ABV but not more than 70% ABV), e.g. whisky; vodka; most spirits and liqueurs
UK DestinationsYes International DestinationsNo
Alcoholic Beverage TypeAlcoholic beverages and liquids (greater than 70 % ABV) UK DestinationsNo International DestinationsNo


All bottle packaging including alcohol needs written agreement prior to sending. Volume must not exceed 1 litre for any one item and no more than four items can be sent in any one package. The volume of alcoholic beverages should not exceed 2 litres. Greater volume may be permitted with concurrence approval. The items must be securely closed and placed in a leak-proof liner, such as a sealed polythene bag. Surround with absorbent material and sufficient cushioning material to protect each item from breakage. Mark as ‘FRAGILE’ when sending glass bottles. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Arms, ammunition and weapons

Carriage of firearms 

A service for Section 1 and 2 firearms and low-powered airguns (as defined by the Firearms Act 1968, as amended), imitation firearms, de-activated guns, antique firearms, paintball guns and inert projectiles (not prohibited by s5 of the Firearms Act 1968 as amended) is available to contract customers only, at the absolute discretion of Parcelforce Worldwide, and is subject to Parcelforce Worldwide providing prior written agreement in advance. Where Parcelforce Worldwide provide concurrence to sending firearms, it is subject to a number of conditions

which include:

• Collections and deliveries of section 1 and 2 firearms will only be accepted where it can be shown to Parcelforce Worldwide’s satisfaction that both the sender and the recipient are Registered Firearms Dealers.

• Section 1 and Section 2 firearms, low-powered airguns, imitation firearms, antique firearms, and paintball guns may be permitted for zone 1 to 1 on express secure 9, 10, AM, 48 services; deliveries to zones 2 and 3 must be on an express48 service and include ‘do not air uplift’ sticker on the parcel. 

• Inert projectiles (not prohibited by s5 of the Firearms Act 1968 as amended) may be permitted on express48 service only.

• Customers may only despatch low powered air weapons for the purpose of repair in accordance with UK law.

• Imitation firearms, de-activated firearms, antique firearms and paintball guns can be sent to a home address, subject to compliance with UK law.

• Parcelforce Worldwide reserve the right that if any item is sent on the incorrect service, or does not include the correct labelling, or is a prohibited / restricted item then a charge of £20 will be levied in addition to the carriage charge and returned to the sending customer.

• All firearms must be clearly labelled ‘Strictly addressee only’ and ‘Do not leave with a neighbour’.

Firearms and all kinds of other arms (i.e. instruments designed to injure or to kill) are prohibited on europriority and europrioritypack services.



The table below outlines what types of battery can or cannot be sent subject to the conditions detailed below.

Battery Type UK Destinations International Destinations
Battery Type
New alkaline, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or nickel
cadmium (NiCd) batteries, including household AA
and AAA (except lithium batteries)
UK DestinationsYES International DestinationsYES
Battery Type
Lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries sent with
equipment (e.g.rechargeable batteries sent with equipment but not installed in the equipment)
UK DestinationsYES International DestinationsNO
Battery Type
Lithium ion/polymer batteries contained in equipment
(e.g. rechargeable batteries found in electronic devices)
UK DestinationsYES International DestinationsYES
Battery Type
Lithium ion/polymer batteries sent on their own (e.g.
lithium batteries sent as replacements)
UK DestinationsWithin Zones 1 & 2 mainland Only (excluding Scottish Highlands) International DestinationsNO
Battery Type
Lithium metal batteries sent with equipment (e.g. nonrechargeable
batteries found with electronic devices)
UK DestinationsYES International DestinationsNO
Battery Type
Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment (e.g.
non-rechargeable batteries found in electronic devices)
UK DestinationsYES International DestinationsYES
Battery Type
Lithium metal batteries sent on their own (e.g. lithium batteries sent as replacements)
UK Destinations
Within Zones 1 & 2 -
mainland only (excluding
Scottish Islands).
International DestinationsNO
Battery Type
New wet, non-spillable batteries (e.g. sealed lead acid
batteries, absorbed glass mat and gel cell batteries)
UK DestinationsYES International DestinationsNO
Battery Type
Other batteries classified as dangerous goods by the
latest edition of the Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air published by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) including wet spillable lead acid/lead alkaline batteries (including car batteries); damaged batteries of any type; and used alkaline, nickel metal hydride or nickel cadmium batteries.
UK DestinationsNO International DestinationsNO

The following details the requirements for each battery type that can be sent.

Alkaline, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries - Must be new and sent unopened in their original retail packaging. Surround with cushioning material e.g. bubble wrap. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Lithium ion/polymer batteries sent with equipment - The maximum number of batteries allowed in each package is the minimum number required to power the equipment plus two spares. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. Watt-hour rating must not exceed 20Wh per cell or 100Wh per battery. Each cell and battery must be of a type proven to meet the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, section 38.3.

Batteries are subject to these tests irrespective of whether the cells of which they are composed have been so tested.

Cells and batteries must be manufactured under a quality management programme as specified in the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden. Any person preparing or offering cells or batteries with equipment for transport must receive adequate instruction on the requirements commensurate with their responsibilities. The consignment must be accompanied with a document with an indication that the package contains lithium ion cells or batteries; that the package must be handled with care and that a flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged; that special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking if necessary; and also a telephone number for additional information. Cells and batteries must be packed in inner packagings that completely enclose the cell or battery.

Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit, including protection against contact with conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit. The equipment sent with cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. Outer package must display the Lithium battery handling label (See Annex A). The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Lithium ion/polymer batteries contained in equipment - Each package must contain no more than four cells or two batteries installed in equipment. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. Watt-hour rating must not exceed 20Wh per cell or 100Wh per battery. Each cell and battery must be of a type proven to meet the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, section 38.3. Batteries are subject to these tests irrespective of whether the cells of which they are composed have been so tested. Cells and batteries must be manufactured under a quality management programme as specified in the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden.

Any person preparing or offering cells or batteries in equipment for transport must receive adequate instruction on the requirements commensurate with their responsibilities. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. The equipment containing cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Lithium ion/polymer/metal batteries sent on their own - Limited to contract customers only via the concurrence process and only available to limited mainland destinations (road only).

Must be sent in compliance with Special Provision 188 of ADR:

Cells and batteries offered for carriage are not subject to other provisions of ADR if they meet the following:

(a) For a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell, the lithium content is not more than 1 g, and for a lithium ion cell, the Watt-hour rating is not more than 20 Wh;

(b) For a lithium metal or lithium alloy battery the aggregate lithium content is not more than 2 g, and for a lithium ion battery, the Watt-hour rating is not more than 100 Wh. Lithium ion batteries subject to this provision shall be marked with the Watt-hour rating on the outside case, except those manufactured before 1 January 2009;

(c) Each cell and battery must be of a type proven to meet the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, section 38.3. Batteries are subject to these tests irrespective of whether the cells of which they are composed have been so tested. Cells and batteries must be manufactured under a quality management programme as specified in ADR. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden.

(d) Cells and batteries shall be packed in inner packagings that completely enclose the cell or battery. Cells and batteries shall be protected so as to prevent short circuits. This includes protection against contact with conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit. The inner packagings shall be packed in strong outer packagings which conform to the provisions of, and;

(e) Each package shall be marked with the following:

(i) an indication that the package contains "lithium metal" or "lithium ion" cells or batteries, as appropriate;

(ii) an indication that the package shall be handled with care and that a flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged;

(iii) an indication that special procedures shall be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking if necessary; and

(iv) a telephone number for additional information;

(f) Each consignment of one or more packages marked in accordance with paragraph (e) shall be accompanied with a document including the following:

(i) an indication that the package contains "lithium metal" or "lithium ion"cells or batteries, as appropriate;

(ii) an indication that the package shall be handled with care and that a flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged;

(iii) an indication that special procedures shall be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking if necessary; and

(iv) a telephone number for additional information;

(h) Each package shall be capable of withstanding a 1.2 m drop test in any orientation without damage to cells or batteries contained therein, without shifting of the contents so as to allow battery to battery (or cell to cell) contact and without release of contents; and

(i) Packages shall not exceed 30 kg gross mass. As used above and elsewhere in ADR, "lithium content" means the mass of lithium in the anode of a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell. Separate entries exist for lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries to facilitate the carriage of these batteries for specific modes of carriage and to enable the application of different emergency response actions.

Any person preparing or offering cells or batteries with or in equipment for transport must receive adequate instruction on the requirements commensurate with their responsibilities.

Lithium metal/alloy batteries sent with equipment - The maximum number of batteries allowed in each package is the minimum number required to power the equipment plus two spares. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. The lithium content must not be more than 1g per cell or 2g per battery. Each cell and battery must be of a type proven to meet the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, section 38.3.

Batteries are subject to these tests irrespective of whether the cells of which they are composed have been so tested. Cells and batteries must be manufactured under a quality management programme as specified in the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden.

Any person preparing or offering cells or batteries with equipment for transport must receive adequate instruction on the requirements commensurate with their responsibilities. The consignment must be accompanied with a document with an indication that the package contains lithium metal cells or batteries; that the package must be handled with care and that a flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged; that special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking if necessary; and also a telephone number for additional information. Cells and batteries must be packed in inner packaging’s that completely enclose the cell or battery. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit, including protection against contact with conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit. The equipment sent with cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. Outer package must display the Lithium battery handling label. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden.

Lithium metal/alloy batteries contained in equipment - Each package must contain no more than four cells or two batteries installed in equipment. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. The lithium content must not be more than 1g per cell or 2g per battery. Each cell and battery must be of a type proven to meet the requirements of each test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, section 38.3. Batteries are subject to these tests irrespective of whether the cells of which they are composed have been so tested. Cells and batteries must be manufactured under a quality management programme as specified in the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden.

Any person preparing or offering cells or batteries in equipment for transport must receive adequate instruction on the requirements commensurate with their responsibilities. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. The equipment containing cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Wet, non-spillable batteries - Batteries must comply with Special Provision 238 of the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations (please check with the manufacturer or distributor). No more than one battery in any one package. Maximum weight 1.5kg. Item must be protected against short circuit (by the effective insulation of exposed terminals) and securely packaged. Package must be marked “NOT RESTRICTED” and “SPA67 / SP238”. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Biological Substance (Category B)

Diagnostic specimens including blood and urine. Category B (UN3373) as classified in the latest edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. May only be sent by, or at the specific request of, a qualified medical practitioner, registered dental practitioner, veterinary surgeon, registered nurse or a recognised laboratory or institution. The total sample volume/mass in any parcel must not exceed 50ml/50g.

All biological substances must be posted in packaging that complies with Packaging Instruction 650 of the Technical Instructions, however dry ice (UN1845) is not permitted. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging. Infectious Substances assigned to Category B are only permitted for destinations within the United Kingdom, except for used Covid testing kits which are prohibited.

Bladed Items

UK destinations

Prohibited Bladed Items cannot be sent. However, other Knives or Blades as defined by s141A Criminal Justice Act 1988 or ‘Bladed Products’ as defined by s41 of the Offensive Weapons Act 2019 can be sent using the Age Verification service. These include but are not limited to any knife or knife blade, including cutlery knives, bread knives, knives that can be used for hobbies and trades (for instance, utility knives and snap-off cutters, gardening, camping, lock knives, bushcraft and farming tools with a blade or any other trade tool that could commonly be described as a knife), butcher knives (including meat cleavers), felling axes and razor blades.

Note: this excludes folding pocket knives where the cutting edge of its blade does not exceed 3 inches (7.62cm) or razor blades permanently enclosed in a cartridge or housing where less than 2mm is exposed which can be sent without using Age Verification service.

Please note: It is the senders’ responsibility to ensure compliance with the law.

The following links to the legislation and guidance may assist but Parcelforce prohibitions and restrictions regarding the sending of bladed items must also be followed:
Criminal Justice Act 1988
Offensive Weapons Act 2019
Statutory guidance: Offensive Weapons Act 2019


International destinations only

Knives” or “Blades” defined by s141A Criminal Justice Act 1988 or ‘Bladed Products’ as defined by s41 of Offensive Weapons Act 2019 may be sent. Such items include, but are not limited to, any knife or knife blade, including cutlery knives, bread knives, knives that can be used for hobbies and trades (for instance, utility knives and snap-off cutters, gardening, camping, bushcraft and farming tools with a blade or any other trade tool that could commonly be described as a knife), butcher knives (including meat cleavers), felling axes, razor blades.

  • Package appropriately so items present no risk to employees, other postal items or recipients.
  • Wrap heavy cardboard around sharp edges and points, strong enough to ensure that the contents do not pierce the outer packaging
  • Wrap each item with cushioning material and place in a suitable outer container such as a padded envelope.
  • The sender's name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging
  • Marked to clearly indicate a bladed item is enclosed.

Please Note: It is the senders’ responsibility to ensure compliance with the law.

The following links to the legislation and guidance may assist but Royal Mail prohibitions and restrictions regarding the sending of bladed items must also be followed:
Criminal Justice Act 1988
Offensive Weapons Act 2019
Statutory guidance: Offensive Weapons Act 2019

Financial documents

None of the following can be sent on any Parcelforce Worldwide export service. They can only be sent on a Parcelforce Worldwide UK service, however these items are excluded from compensation.

Money: bankers drafts, current bank notes, currency notes or coins, postal orders, cheques or dividend warrants; bearer securities including share warrants, scrips, or subscription certificates, bonds or relative coupons, unfranked postage stamps, or revenue stamps, (except a revenue stamp embossed or impressed on an instrument which has been executed); coupons, vouchers, tokens, lottery tickets, scratch cards or similar items which can be exchanged themselves or with any other item for money, goods or services; national insurance stamps; all tickets, including travel and events. Out of circulation coins (not made of Silver or Gold) are classed as Collectables.

International Export Licences and International Packaging

Items requiring Parcelforce Worldwide to obtain any special licence or permit for transportation, importation or exportation; or consignments with a declared value for customs in excess of that permitted for the particular destination should not be sent on any international service.

Any items packaged in Kraft paper cannot be sent via our globalexpress service.

Lighters (new, not containing flammable liquids or gases)

Must be new, empty and sent unopened in their original retail packaging.  A sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.


Maximum 5 litres per container and 10 litres per box.

Living creatures (including bees, spiders, insects, worms and fish fry)

Some living creatures may be carried on certain services, subject to Parcelforce Worldwide's prior written agreement. Please contact your account manager. 

In accordance with EU‐wide controls to protect human and animal health, all animals and animal products (including live fish, gametes and fish products) being imported into the EU must be presented for veterinary inspection at an EU approved Border Control Post (BCP).


Passports cannot be exported using the europriority or europrioritypack services.

Perfume and aftershave (including Eau de Toilette, eau de perfume)

May be sent within the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man only. Volume per item must not exceed 150ml. No more than eight perfumes or aftershaves can be sent in any one package. The total volume of perfumes per parcel should not exceed 600ml. The perfume or aftershave must be within its original retail packaging and then placed in strong outer packaging. The inner packagings must be packed, secured or cushioned to prevent breakage or leakage of their contents into the outer packaging. An ID8000 label must be applied (See Annex A). The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Nail varnish and polish

May be sent within the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man only. Volume per item must not exceed 30ml.  No more than eight bottles of nail varnish can be sent in any one package. The volume of nail varnish must not exceed 120ml. Bottles of nail varnish must be placed in strong outer packaging and be so packed, secured or cushioned in such a way that they cannot break, be punctured or leak  their contents into the outer packaging. An ID8000 label must be applied (See Annex A). The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.


Fresh fruit, fish, meat and other perishable articles should be able to withstand transit times of at least 48 hours and must be sent on a next day service within the UK. Packages must be clearly labelled ‘PERISHABLE’. Frozen/fresh pet food and meat for human consumption is available at the absolute discretion of Parcelforce and prior written agreement in advance of sending, is required. Packages of fish should be smoked or chilled and sealed in vacuum packs before sending. Shipments sent on Friday must be sent on a Saturday delivery service but are not available for a Friday despatch where there is an extended delivery time. Always check our extended delivery times to ensure perishables are only sent to postcodes with transit times of no more than the next day. In all cases, they must be enclosed in adequate polystyrene containment or appropriate leak proof inner packaging to prevent condensation of the external box. It is the responsibility of the shipper to package all perishable articles in such a manner that during transport the contents are kept at an appropriate temperature that is unlikely to cause a risk to health. Certain international destinations prohibit the import of perishable articles, including perishable and non-perishable foodstuffs. Please check individual country restrictions before sending Consignments containing perishable foodstuffs or articles (including plants, flowers, medicines, seeds and other vegetable products intended for further processing) using our international services. In addition to country-specific restrictions, perishable articles cannot be sent using the globalexpress, globalvalue or euroeconomy services. Any foodstuffs, whether perishable or not, cannot be exported using the europriority or europrioritypack services. For more information about service availability, or for country-specific prohibitions, exclusions or licence requirements, please refer to For further information on exporting perishable foodstuffs and articles, please contact DEFRA on 08459 735 577.


Live plants may only be sent in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the heading ‘Perishable foodstuffs and articles’ above.

Certain plants are subject to plant health controls and imports must be notified to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine prior to importation and must be inspected by an officer from that Department at the point of entry or, at the discretion of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine at the place of destination.

Precious stones and Bullion 

Precious stones and Bullion cannot be exported using the europriority or europrioritypack services.

Prescription medicines drugs sent for scientific purposes

May only be sent by, or at the specific request of, a qualified medical practitioner, registered dental practitioner, veterinary surgeon, registered nurse or a recognised laboratory or institution. Volume / mass per item must not exceed 50ml/50g. The medicines must be securely closed and placed in a leak-proof container such as a sealed polythene bag (for liquids) or a sift-proof container (for solids). Must be tightly packed in strong outer packaging and must be secured or cushioned to prevent any damage. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

If the medicines are classified as dangerous goods (flammable or toxic) by the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, an ID8000 label must be applied (See Annex A).

Radioactive materials

Radioactive materials not classified as dangerous goods in the latest edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, such as samples of granite rock, can be sent to UK and International destinations. Surround with cushioning material e.g. bubble wrap. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Sharp or Pointed Items (formerly Sharp Objects)

(excludes: (i) knives prohibited under UK law - see Arms, Ammunition and Weapons - and (ii) Bladed items.) Includes, but not limited to scissors, mini chopper blades, food processor blades, sewing kits, knitting needles, syringes, chisels, piercing awls, saws, nails, pins, fishing hooks. These can be sent with packaging guidelines below:

  • Package appropriately so items present no risk to employees, other postal items or recipients.
  • Wrap heavy cardboard around sharp edges and points, strong enough to ensure that the contents do not pierce the outer packaging.
  • Wrap each item with cushioning material and place in a suitable outer container such as a padded envelope.
  • The sender's name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

Works of art

Works of art exceeding a value of EUR 750.00 cannot be exported using the europriority service and some destinations on the euroeconomy† service.

For further information refer to Works of art can be sent using the globalexpress service, but are excluded from compensation for loss or damage.

† Restrictions apply to countries delivered through GLS on euroeconomy. These are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.


Prohibited goods

In the event of Parcelforce Worldwide returning an item to the sender due to contravention of customs regulations for Prohibited Goods, the charges will not be refunded and a return charge may apply.

Arms, ammunition and weapons

Ammunition (other than lead pellets and other airgun and airsoft projectiles) is prohibited.

Weapons (Including, but not limited to Section 5 firearms, CS gas, pepper sprays, tasers and stun guns, flick knives, gravity knives, disguised knives, butterfly knives, crossbows, and other items that are banned under laws applicable in the UK or the destination country. Weapons include items made for the sole purpose of causing injury to a person, any item adapted for use to cause injury to a person, and any item intended by the person sending or receiving it to cause injury to a person).

Bladed items

Hunting/combat/survival type knives, daggers, movie knives that promote violence (such as Rambo or Crocodile Dundee style knives), replica fighting knives, throwing knives, machetes, swords, fantasy knives, knives with images or words that suggest use for violence, stiletto knives, battle axes, open razors/folding razors and any similar items are prohibited and cannot be sent. Also see Arms, ammunition and weapons.

The following are not prohibited and will instead be treated as Restricted Bladed Items, provided the only intended use is one of the permitted uses listed below: 

Bladed items that are: commonly used for sporting activities; commonly used for religious ceremonial purposes (must be blunted); sgian dubhs (must be blunted and for ornamental purposes); being sent to a recognised museum; commonly used in historical re-enactment (must be blunted); commonly used in theatrical productions (must be blunted); and antiques. Note: in order to avoid your item being treated as prohibited, in the event of any checks it would be helpful to include supporting documentation to enable us to verify the relevant permitted use listed above. 

Important: Items intended by the person sending or receiving it to cause injury to a person are always prohibited and will be treated/handled as such regardless of whether or not they fall into one of the permitted uses above. In addition, see Arms, ammunition and weapons which are also prohibited regardless of whether or not they fall into one of the permitted uses above.

For guidance on sending these types of items internationally please see bladed section under restricted above.

Car parts

Car panels, doors, bumpers and bonnets are prohibited. Other car parts are acceptable as long as packaging guidelines are followed.

Car tyres cannot be exported using the europriority or europrioritypack services without the prior agreement of GLS International.

Christmas crackers

Christmas Crackers are prohibited.

Counterfeit currency

Counterfeit currency and counterfeit stamps are prohibited.

Dangerous Goods

To comply with strict transport regulations and in line with other parcel delivery companies, Parcelforce Worldwide does not carry the majority of goods classified as dangerous in the latest edition of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. Prohibited dangerous goodsinclude (for example):

• Explosives such as fireworks, flares and blasting caps

• Gases including cylinders for camping stoves, gas cartridges, fire extinguishers and scuba tanks

• Flammable liquids including acetone, benzene, petroleum, lighter fluid, solvent-based paint thinners and removers and many paints, enamels and adhesives

• Flammable solids including magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, sodium hydride, zinc powder, fire lighters and matches

• Oxidising materials or organic peroxides, (including many disinfectants, nitrates and hair dyes or colourants containing peroxide).

• Toxic or infectious substances

• Radioactive material

• Corrosives including acids, corrosive paint and rust removers, caustic soda, some dyes, mercury and gallium metal

• Miscellaneous, e.g. car airbag inflators, dry ice

Unless specifically identified within the Restricted Goods section (above), we do not carry dangerous goods and such items are not covered by our compensation. Sending prohibited dangerous goods or failing to comply with the conditions which apply to those that are permitted is a criminal offence which may result in prosecution. In such circumstances, Parcelforce Worldwide may deal with the goods as it sees fit, including destroying or disposing of the relevant items.

Damaged batteries

Damaged batteries of any sort and those identified by the manufacturer as being defective for safety reasons are strictly prohibited and must not be sent.

Drugs and certain substances

Controlled drugs and drugs detailed in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (as amended) may not be sent by any Parcelforce Worldwide service. Those discovered in transit will be stopped, and handed to Customs or the Police, who may take legal action against the sender and/or recipient. Examples: cocaine, cannabis resin, LSD, heroin, amyl nitrate, leaves from the Catha Edulia plant, narcotics, morphine, opium, psychotropic substances etc.

Controlled drugs and drugs detailed in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (as amended) may not be sent by any Parcelforce Worldwide service. Those discovered in transit will be stopped and handed to HM Revenue & Customs or the police, who may take legal action against the sender and/or recipient.

Certain other substances which may be prohibited or are illegal to import or export to and from certain countries, or which Parcelforce Worldwide considers to have as having an effect similar to a Controlled Drug may be deemed as prohibited by Parcelforce Worldwide.

Fish or Fish Fry

Live Fish or Fish Fry are prohibited.

Frozen food

For all International services, foodstuffs and perishable food articles and beverages requiring refrigeration or other environmental control are prohibited.

Foreign and Illegal Lottery tickets

Foreign and Illegal lottery tickets and related advertisements for illegal lotteries are prohibited.

Goods made in foreign prisons

Goods made in foreign prisons (except those imported for a non-commercial purpose) of a kind not manufactured in the UK or those in transit.

High Value goods

Goods of a value of more than €5000 per parcel are prohibited on europriority and europrioritypack services.

Human and animal remains

Human remains (including ashes) and dead animals (including preserved animal parts and skins) are prohibited.

Indecent, obscene or offensive articles

Including pornography as detailed in Part 5 of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 and indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs of a child as detailed in section 160 and 161 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988. Indecent, obscene or offensive communications, prints, photographs, books or other articles, and packets bearing grossly offensive, indecent or obscene words, marks or designs are prohibited. Those discovered in transit will be stopped, and handed to Customs or the Police, who may take legal action against the sender and/or recipient.

Infectious substances

Infectious substances assigned to Category A (UN2814 or UN2900) as classified in the latest edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air are prohibited. Clinical and medical waste, including contaminated dressings, bandages and needles, is prohibited. Used Covid-19 testing kits are prohibited.

Live animals or insects

For all International services Live animals (including snakes, mice and reptiles) are prohibited.

Misleading endorsements

Parcels must not bear words, marks or designs which are unauthorised and which may reasonably lead the recipient to believe that the package has been sent On Her Majesty’s Service.


Foul or disgusting material is prohibited.

Waste, dirt, filth or refuse

Foul or disgusting material (including household waste) is prohibited

Wet ice (frozen water)


A number of countries and international organisations, including the UK, the European Union and the United Nations, impose certain restrictions, also known as sanctions, on what you can send to certain individuals, organisations or countries.

We cannot accept – and customers must not send – parcels which are in breach of sanctions. Sanctions can take many forms but are generally aimed at preventing certain goods, services, finance and knowledge being supplied to particular recipients. Parcels containing certain kinds of items may be prohibited from being sent to or from countries which are subject to sanctions, unless you obtain a licence from the appropriate Government department. These countries currently include Iran, Syria, Belarus and North Korea, although there are many others and the list
changes. Sanctions also restrict any dealings with certain designated individuals and organisations, wherever they are based (including the UK), for example by sending them money or goods. Further information about sanctions can be found at This website includes links to the UK Government’s dedicated sanctions website which will give you the up to date position on the countries, individuals and organisations concerned. You should check these websites before posting.

ANNEX A : Make sure your items are labelled correctly.

For packages which need to be labelled with an ID8000 label or a Lithium battery handling label please follow the instructions below: The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

explanation of battery handling labels

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